For Inquiring Minds:


Q: What is Open Color?

A: Open Color is an arts collective, consultant office, and magazine that connects artists, collectors, educators, and creative spaces. The company was founded in 2016 and debuted with a launch event featuring New York Times style section cover artist Christian Joy. Open Color Magazine debuted in 2018 and has covered such artists as Yannis Davy Guibinga, Sequoia Emmanuelle, Pol Kurucz, Jesse Jo Stark, and Billie Eilish. The Open Color Blog is regularly updated with the latest art, music, events, and more.


Q: How does Open Color work?

A: When it comes to events, We have hosted installations in San Francisco, Oakland, and Miami so far. For those interesting in partnering for an open color event, please reach out to us at

We also publish a magazine that highlights Artists of all stripes from around the globe.

Open Color provides art consultation for both individuals and collective entities. If you are interested in these services, please email


Q: Where is Open Color?

A: We are based in San Francisco, but we’re honored to say our collaborators and supporters reside all around the globe, from South America, to Europe, Asia and more. We are working hard to expand our event locations to meet and mingle with our extended Open Color family.


Q: How do I submit my work to be considered for Open Color’s blog, magazine, and future events?

A: Please visit our Submissions page and fill out the form. We carefully consider every submission we receive, so please allow 7-10 days for your work to be reviewed by our team.


Q: When is the next Open Color event?

A: Stay tuned and be sure to join our mailing list to be the first to know! Have a space where you’d like to host an Open Color event? Head over to our contact page and tell us all about it.